1. Go to Easy Year-Make-Model Search App by Nexus to copy the EasySearch API

  • Go to Integrations

  • Click on "Get API connection string"

  • Copy the string

2. Go to Slingshot Automotive app and paste the EasySearch API

  • Click Settings

  • Click Partners

  • Click Nexus API

  • Paste the link

  • Select Columns you want "YMMS" or "YMM"

  • Click save


Please note that the synchronization time will vary depending on how large the data is. The range is from 30 mins to more than 24 hours.

Below is the link to a video of the steps outlined above.

2020-12-03 09-52-12.mkv 

 You can select in the drop down menu of what format you want. (YMM, YMMT, YMMS, YMMST).

Please be patient since the synchronization process on Nexus' side may take more than 24 hours to finish, that again depends on how large the file size is.