Use the following instructions to enable your PDM data for Slingshot:

Note that you will need an FTP account set up to receive data from PDM.  We can provide you with one free of charge by contacting  

You will also need a PDM account.  If you do not have an account, go to:, select “Reseller” and fill in your details.

- Log into your PDM account at:

- In your PDM dashboard, click on the Channels menu:

- On the top-right corner, select the “Add Channel” button.

- Enter “Slingshot” as the channel name.

- Click on the “ACES” checkbox to enable all of the brands, repeat this for PIES and Digital Assets

- Scroll down and select the “ACES” tab

- Ensure that “FULL Export” is selected

- Select Version 3.2 under ACES Version

- Scroll down and select “Only on Push” for delivery frequency

- Select FTP as the Delivery method

- Enter your FTP server which should be 

- Enter the username we gave you, and password we created for you

- Enter the folder name pdm

- Select FTP as the Protocol

- Press the “Create” or “Save” button

- Scroll up and ensure that the “PIES” tab is selected.

- The submission type should be set to “FULL Export.”

- The PIES Version should be set to 7.2 and all price types selected.

- Scroll down and ensure that the Delivery frequency is set to “Only on Push”

- The Delivery method must be set to FTP

- Enter your FTP server name, User, and password

- Enter the folder name if you FTP server account has one specified (typically just “pdm”)

- Select the FTP protocol

- When you have completed the steps above, press the “Create” or “Save” button.

- Scroll up and select the Digital Assets tab

- Set the FULL Export option under Submission Type

- Select Only on Push as the delivery frequency

- Set FTP as the Delivery method

- Enter your FTP server, user, and password

- Enter the folder name if you FTP server account has one specified (typically just “pdm”)

- Select the FTP protocol

- When you have completed the steps above, press the “Create” or “Save” button.

Your PDM portal is now configured to send data to the Slingshot app.  If you need any further assistance please contact