For the Torqued test order:

  1. Go to the Settings > Distributors > Torqued tab in the Slingshot app and ensure that your environment is set to "Send orders in test mode, do not fulfill."
  2. In the Slingshot app go to Orders > General Settings > click the checkboxes "Enable order automation" and "Enable tracking automation".
  3. In the Slingshot app go to Orders > Order Routing > Use the drop down menu "Fulfill all orders from a single distributor"  to select Torqued and hit "Save Changes".
  4. Go the the Orders tab in Shopify and create a new order
  5. Enter a Torqued Product.
  6. Enter real customer information, including address and phone number. (This can be your own info if needed, so long as the address and phone number are both real.)
  7. Mark as Paid
  8. Go back into the order and click "Request Fulfillment"
  9. Email us the order number so we can watch for the test (this will be automated after we finish testing)
  10. Switch out of test mode in the Torqued tab of the Slingshot app.