Click the Status button to see your store’s current synchronization status. This is a good thing to do when you’re wondering if your parts are loading, or deleting, or if you think there might be an issue with a brand:

You can click on any of the blue texts to see further information about which products are being added or removed. Use the Synchronization Status to get an overview of which brands have been loaded, which filtered out due to special order process (or any of a number of other reasons), name mismatches, missing images, and so on.

Be Aware: Sometimes it may take awhile (hours or even more than a day) to load all parts into your store, or filter out large numbers. The Turn 14 Distribution catalog currently has 390,000 parts. If you get started by loading just a few brands, then great! You should see those parts in your store quite quickly (within minutes). Otherwise, it may take awhile! The Status button lets you know what’s going on. For more detailed information, like about parts that are getting filtered out and why, you can also download the Report (see the bottom of your Filters screen).